Fermented Dilly Beans

Fermented Dilly Beans

Makes 1 (32 oz | 946 ml) quart jar

You will need

  • ½-¾ lb (0.23-0.34 kg) green beans (or enough to fill a quart jar), ends removed
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 chilies, fresh or dried
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp dill (5 ml) seed or 1 head fresh dill seeds
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 cups (240 ml) water
  • 1 ½ Tbsp (22 ml) Ball® Salt for Pickling and Preserving



Please read Fermentation FAQs before beginning.

  1. Combine water and salt to dissolve, creating the brine, set aside.
  2. Place beans along with all seasonings into a clean quart jar leaving 2 in. (5 cm) of headspace. Pour brine over just to cover, you may have extra.
  3. Place spring on top of beans then twist lid on. Brine may billow out as the spring displaces it.
  4. Wipe jar down. Place the jar on a plate and store in a cool (65°-75° /20°C-22°C) clean place in your kitchen or pantry.
  5. Check the beans daily to make sure they are beneath brine at all times. After 24 hours there will be some fermenting activity visible as little bubbles on the top of the brine.   Any white film forming in the brine on top of beans is kham yeast, which is naturally occurring and perfectly safe for your ferment. (see FAQ for more on kham yeast).
  6. Let beans ferment for 10 days.
  7. Remove spring, wipe jar rim and wash fermenting lid before replacing or use a traditional Ball® canning lid or Ball® Leak-Proof Storage Lid. Store in refrigerator up to 6 months.